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Service Mesh: What it is and why it matters?

Service Mesh: What it is and why it matters?

Summary: What is Service Mesh and why it matters? A Service Mesh is an addressable infrastructure layer for service-to-service communication, ...
Service Discovery Patterns - What, Why, and How?

Service Discovery Patterns – What, Why, and How?

The Service Discovery concept is not new and has been since from the beginning of distributed computing. In simpler terms, ...
Kubernetes Learning Path

Kubernetes Learning Path

Today Kubernetes is present in all major clouds (Google cloud, AWS, Azure, etc…) as a fully managed service, serverless at ...

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How to Setup SonarQube locally on Mac
Data Engineering

How to Setup SonarQube locally on Mac

SonarQube is an open platform for managing continuous inspection of the code quality, which can locate potential errors in the codebase. It currently supports more than 20+ programming languages including ...
Istio Architecture Explained
DevOpsPopular Posts

Istio architecture explained

Istio Architecture: Istio service mesh commonly comprises of two planes: a control plane and data plane The data plane is implemented in such a way that it intercepts all inbound ...
Service Discovery Patterns - What, Why, and How?
DevOpsPopular Posts

Service Discovery Patterns – What, Why, and How?

The Service Discovery concept is not new and has been since from the beginning of distributed computing. In simpler terms, Services discovery tools help services to discover each other on ...
Chaos Engineering 101
One Minute Series

Chaos Engineering 101

Chaos Engineering concept invented by Netflix to learn about how our system will behave with potential failures before they become outages. The goal of Chaos engineering is to discover the ...
What is GitOps?

What is GitOps?

English writer and philosopher “Aldous Huxley” once said: “Speed provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.” I think life is like this and so the software field. With the rise of ...
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